Land Trusts, Toluma Farm, and lots of goats!

Land.  Growing up in a Kansas farming community I was surrounded by lots of it – beautiful, flat plains full of golden wheat.  Here in California, my friend Jean and I often walk the land in Marin and Sonoma County, both havens for farms, ranches, and open space.

We can thank MALT (Marin Agricultural Land Trust) for much of this sanctuary.  MALT has permanently protected nearly half of the working farms and ranchland in Marin County.  Nearly half!

A number of the ranches and farms offer wonderful tours and events through MALT.  It’s a grand way, especially for children from the suburbs and cities, to spend an afternoon in the country.  When Jean and I visited Toluma Farms, near Tomales, there was goat milking,

tours of the milk parlor, cheese making, hikes, kite flying, and views that went on forever.  Not a suburb or a Walmart in sight. Plenty of room for the goats, sheep, cows, deer and other wildlife.  Thank you MALT and all the individuals and agencies that support them. Maybe you’d like to support them too.

Goats! Lots of goats…on lots and lots of land.

Let's go fly a kite at Toluma Farms.

About Marsha Diane Arnold

Children's books are where I play. My passions are children's literature and the amazing animals and plants that inhabit our planet.
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